Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Hello and happy April 2011!  After a several year absence from posting on a blog I am BACK!
Let the party begin.................
I am getting ready for my up-coming adventure to Saipan for the summer.  Busy packing and make those last minute arrangements.  I will be updating this blog on a regular basis while I'm over there letting you know about the culture, the fun I'm having and of course my grandson's (cats) I will be babysitting for while there.  Check back often starting May 4th.  

I am also turning 60 on April 30th!  Oh my!  A senior citizen I do NOT feel like.  I'm ancient since back in the day anyone over 30 was old.  Every day this month I've been trying to figure out where all those years went.  I totally get it now when I hear people say they don't feel like they are a day over 16.  I try not to dwell on it too much, however, since I'm on the down side now of the number of days left.............YIKES!   

Keep on truckin' and spread that peace around too:)

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