Sunday, June 12, 2011


Hafa Adai!

This weekend was the 30th annual Flame Tree Festival in Memorial Park downtown Garapan.  It's to honor all the beautiful Flame Trees that are in full bloom everywhere here. 

I was all excited hoping it would be like the Mill Avenue Art Fair and could look at all the crafty stuff.

It turned out to be a pretty nice day too because it was windy and not real humid (it's ALWAYS humid here but some days are worse than others).  Plus the festival was underneath the trees in the park so that made it cooler too.

It was not anything like the arts fairs I'm used to going to but very small instead.  Lots of local artists selling paintings and native made stuff.  We bought three pretty oil paintings from a lady who was thrilled we liked her stuff so much.  They were all very reasonably priced and have the island theme that Audra wants for her decor.  When I get the place fixed up I'll post pics of them.  

I bought a purse that was crocheted to use as a sample so I can make some of them.  I asked the lady who sold it to me if she made it and she said of course not.  A lot of the vendors here buy stuff from wherever for cheap and then re-sale it at these fairs.  But there are some home made stuff as well.  I bought a real pretty beaded necklace from one of the local women.  It was only $15.

I also picked up a neat bracelet from some people from India.  They are always at the Thursday Night Food Fair in downtown Garpan and I always end up buying stuff from them.  I bought three other things for Audra's apartment.  We hung them from the doorways to the bedrooms and the bathroom.  I love the bird hanging!   I will be bringing that back to Az. with me along with one of the long hanging thingies.

I saw some dancers getting ready to perform and asked one of them if I could take a picture of her and before I new it most of the crew came over.  They looked like butterflies when they danced.  I wish I could be so graceful!

It was fun walking around looking at all the stuff and talking to the people.  Always enjoy the locals here!


Audra's neighbor friend had us over for a waffle breakfast this morning.  I brought over some bacon and cooked it up.  It was delicious.  Bonnie is Audra's Saipan mom when I'm not here.  She and her husband are so nice to her.  She is also the reason Audra got another cat.....grrrrr!  Bonnie told me she was afraid I'd be really mad at her when I got here but Guava Comacho is so dang cute I can't be mad an anybody:)  

Gotta go for now.  Just wanted to share The Flame Tree Festival with all of you.  The two little girls are still missing too so keep them in your prayers:(

Have a very nice up-coming week and enjoy the heat:)

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