Sunday, June 5, 2011

Handy Man Day in Paradise

Hafa Adai!

Today is handy man day at the little apartment.  There were several things that needed to be fixed.  Our toilet wasn't flushing properly, the cats had destroyed two blinds so I'm getting those replaced, a friend of Audra's gave her a bamboo blind to put up on the outside of her living room windows to keep the sun out as it is setting and the stove started shocking me while I was cooking this weekend (I guess it was trying to tell me to back away and stop with my cooking attempts).  Who knew that getting shocked by your stove was a pretty common problem?  I looked it up on the net and there is quite a lot of talk on there about that.  

So, the toilet was fixed (the holes along the top of the inside brim were clogged), the stove issue was taken care of by replacing two of the stove top elements and the outside blind was put up.
The cats vanished while the workers were here and didn't want any part of the goings on.  They really are scaredy cats:)

Last week when the cleaning lady was here I told her how I had been collecting rain water for the cats to drink.  She said she could get me 5 gallon bottles of water for $1.50.  It just so happened the water guy was delivering water while she was here so now we get cheap water (Audra had been buying the expensive kind).  I was wondering how we were ever going to be able to tip it over to fill up the bottles we keep in the fridge when Audra told me we should buy a water bottle pump.  I had never heard of such a thing.  She said everybody uses them here so we went out searching for one yesterday and found it.  It's a pump that fits on the top of the bottle and has a little spout so you can pump the water out.  It's nice because we can leave it on the floor:)  Go figure!  Am I the only one who hasn't heard of this thing?  Please raise your hands if you have heard of it....... or better yet let me know if you have.  Steve hadn't heard of it.  When I bought it the cashier told me this pump was an exceptional one because it was made in Korea and not China.  I asked what that meant and was told Korean products are far superior.  I didn't know that either:)

We had the most gorgeous sunset the other night!  I thought I had seen them all but nothing like this one.  In the picture where all the yellow is was bright pink.  I might adjust it later on to what it should actually look like but I like the yellow highlights in it.  It was breath taking!

Then last night the moon was a bloody read sliver sitting in the sky right above the ocean.  I tried to get a picture of it but my camera wouldn't capture it.  Darn!  I've never seen a blood red moon like that before.   

Audra needs curtains in her place so a friend suggested we buy sarongs and make them out of those.  All we'd need to do is sew the top to go on the rod and that would be it.  So now I'm busy sewing the tops of the sarongs.  I have 14 to do.  I sure could have used my little hand held sewing machine now.  I almost brought it along but then decided not to.  I couldn't find any wooden dowels to hang them from so bought shower curtain rods instead:)  Audra said only I could turn making curtains into a craft project.

I had a request from a friend of Audra's to make a card for her friend's up-coming b-day.  She wanted it to be ballerina related so I obliged.  She said she doesn't want to give it away now it turned out so good.  Guess I'll have to make another one just for her.   

Ok, now I'm off to try out the stove.  Hope it isn't a "shocking" experience any more.  Audra will let you know if I don't survive...................

Peace out my friends!               

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