Monday, May 9, 2011

Good Day to be in Saipan

It's a great day to be in card arrived today so I now have access to my moo-lahhhhhhhh!!!!  You know where I will be tomorrow - shopping 'til I drop!  Let the spending begin:)

I hung around the apartment most of the day waiting for the mail to arrive at the Post Office Box place.  Saipan has no addresses so everyone has a post office box.  That was a trip trying to explain that to all the credit card companies.  They insist on sending the cards to a street address but I finally convinced them to Fed Ex it to the PO Box. 

Audra's cats are a hoot.  Never a dull moment with them around.  The two big ones are always into something and running around banging into stuff.  They are delighted with all the boxes I've unpacked of my craft stuff.  They just can't get enough of them.  Today they actually all curled up and slept together.  So cute!  They can sleep through anything too.

Audra has new neighbors living across from her now and so far they've been pretty noisy playing cool music but with the bass turned way up.  Hopefully it will stop so we won't have to complain.  The people who live beneath them have kids so maybe they'll talk to them.  She's been lucky so far because the people who used to live there were from Japan and only used it off and on so weren't there most of the time.

I set up the printer we shipped over here for Audra.  I feel like such a geek when I do stuff like that.  It always amazes me that I can actually get stuff like that working.  I didn't even need to call Steve up once for help - woo hoo!!!!

That's it for now.  I'm not sure if I will be keeping this up every day now that I have access to my funds again:)  But will let you know about the exciting stuff that happens!  Hopefully I'll get out snorkeling tomorrow.

Give peace a chance!



  1. Hey, that's a pile of cats... OK, now get out there and SPEND!

  2. Remember, have your blog approved by your legal expert! Mine is...
