Saturday, May 28, 2011


Another tale to share with me maties involving a stowaway right here in Saipan.  Gather closely by the fire and I will tell my tale..............

Friday late afternoon was Guava Camacho's followup doctor appointment to see if he was over his illness of the past week.  Audra washed out the cat carrier and left it in sitting on the kitchen floor. 

When it came time to leave I herded up the little guy and threw him into the carrier and shut the door then headed down the stairs to the car.  I left the carrier for Audra to deal with and bring down the stairs.  I was in the car and Audra came lugging the carrier down the steps acting like it was really heavy (little guy only weighed 3 pounds last week) so I thought that was kind of odd. 

She put it in the back seat and got in the front seat.  I turned around to look at Guava and saw him but also a shadow...............which looked just like a black cat!  I asked Audra if there were two cats in there and she took a look and there was Jigs in with Guava.  Audra said he went into the carrier after she cleaned it and she thought I had scooted him out before I put Guava in. 
So the little stowaway ended up going to the vets with his brother.  We laughed so hard!  He meowed all the way there and Guava didn't say a word.  Everyone at the vets got a kick out of the story.  Poor Jigs had to stay in the carrier the whole time too.  He was thrilled when he got back home and was finally released!

While we were at the vets, one of his cats came walking out for a visit (he brings his pets to work with him every day).  It not only was beautiful but also very fat!  It was shedding like crazy and kept trying to get hair out of it's mouth.  She had to come over to the carrier and say hi to our two captives.    She was very friendly and even tried to crawl into my purse!  Another potential stowaway:)
 I love her coloring though.  I've never seen a cat with this red of hair on it.  All the cats here look alot different then the ones on the mainland.  We laughed at it's tiny little legs too.  When it walked it looked like it's little legs were going to break in two.

Then the nurse walked out with a local Kingfisher bird that had a broken wing.  Someone found it and brought it into the vet.  The vet said he didn't think it would survive because he can't get it to eat.  Of course Audra and I were fighting over who got to hold the bird.  He was so nice he didn't even try to peck us or anything.  Beautiful bird and I love his bill! 
Guava was given a clean bill of health and had even gained a pound in a week.  The vet said his rough start in life has probably stunted his growth so he'll probably be a small cat.  He acts like Mr. Tough Guy now and is always taking on the two big cats.  

Saturday night was the last night for the Taste of The Marianas food festival so we went to that.  We met one of Audra's friends at the school and then took a cab to the festival ($3.00 ride).  Audra's school grounds are loaded with toads so while we were waiting for her friend she and I went about grabbing up toads.  Her friend about died when she saw what we were running after.  The school guard thought we were nuts too.  They're so cute, how can anybody NOT like a toad?  My mom used to call me toadie because I was always after them!    Aren't they cute?

I had Chinese food last night and as usual it was yummy.  For desert I had a mocha chiller that was good too.........all for $10!  My dinner came with 5 different foods to sample and the portions were good sized!

 The place I got my food from

 Sample menu for Chamorro food and Filipino Food

The many white people do you see in this crowd?  We are definitely the minority here:)

Still enjoying my stay on my little slice of paradise and thankful every day I wake up that I get to look out over the ocean at the beautiful view to remind me where I am!

On a sad note, two girls, ages 9 and 10 are missing.  The last time they were seen was at their bus  stop at 6AM on Wednesday.  There is a massive search going on for them and all kinds of Feds, FBI, etc are here trying to locate them.  Please keep them in your prayers that they will return home safely.  This is a first on the island and everyone is stunned! 

Hafa Adai!

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