Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Saipan Oil Change

What an adventure I had today!  It was time to get the oil changed in Audra's car and get it inspected so she could get her registration up to date.  The business we use is called "Car Town" in Garapan.  The guy we bought the car from last August had always taken his car to them so we promised we would continue using their service. Car Town sits in a neighborhood right near downtown Garapan along what we would call an alley but is a roadway here.  You would never really know it was a business if it wasn't for the hand drawn sign announcing you are at Car Town. 
There are no lifts to raise a car up to look underneath it at the frame, there are no supplies to speak of (they have to order any parts they want and go get them) and there are only three mechanics that work on the cars.......that's Car Town.  The owner greeted me and asked where I wanted to be dropped off so I said McDonalds would do.  He asked me for $10 for the "inspection".  Audra's car is missing the front cover to the head light (it looks like it was stolen) and they can't get the part in any more because her car is a 2000 year but not to worry....her car would pass "the inspection" so I gave him the $10.  
I brought my Kindle with me so read for a couple of hours while enjoying a mocha frappe and watched the people coming to Mickey D's.  The kids here are so dang cute!  After an hour and a half the owner came back and picked me up.  The car passed inspection and all the fluids were changed.  When I picked up Audra I told her it seemed like there might have been some "under the table stuff" going on with the inspection but wasn't sure since I'm not a resident here.  I had the inspection certificate so that was good enough for me! 

We headed over to the court house and paid the late registration fee (it was due in February), paid for a new license for Audra since hers got stolen and paid for a copy of our police report from our theft then went to pick all the paperwork up only to find out that department had closed early by 5 minutes....grrrrr!  Thank goodness the island is so small so you really don't have far to go back to places.

I heard all kinds of emergency vehicle sirens this morning off an on and couldn't figure out what the heck was going on.  On my way to Car Town I passed the hospital (which is on one of the two main drags on the island) and there was a line of cars waiting to get into the hospital drive way.  I thought for sure something bad had happened so dashed into the 99 cent store (which has nothing in it for 99 cents) to see what was up.  Turns out it was the semi-annual island emergency test today that took place all over the island and the hospital.  I don't know what emergency they were practicing today but guess the scenario changes each time.

I got to meet two of Audra's students today.  They are so shy and hid behind her.  She's a good teacher to them and really loves her kids.

My hair is getting curlier by the day.  It's nice not having to fool with it much.  I just wake up, wash it and let it go.  By the end of the day it starts getting frizzy.  The curse of having naturally curly hair!

Audra's newest baby cat is sick too.  I have to take him to the vets tomorrow.  He's having potty problems....ugh!  I told Audra this was NOT in my paradise adventure brochure!  She hasn't even left to go back to Arizona yet and I'm having to fulfill my grandma duties.  It's never ending!  Hope it's just a bug and the little guy is ok.  We have him caged up tonight in his kitty carrier so he doesn't mess up the place.  Thank goodness Audra's housekeeper is coming tomorrow to clean the place up:)  It sure is nice having her do the housekeeping.  

Audra wants curtains on her windows (she had blinds but the cats have destroyed two sets of them and we leave the blinds up on the other windows....she's on the second floor and nobody can look into her apartment) so I have turned the curtains into a craft project (of course).  I cut out shell shapes using my Cricut and am going to use the shapes to make patterns on her curtains using dye.  I'm going to use bed sheets for the curtains.  IF they turn out I'll post the finished picture.  Audra said "good ole mom, turning everything into a crafting event"!

So that was my Tuesday in paradise.  Still having fun but not doing a heck of alot.  But then I am in paradise so guess I don't to do a heck of alot huh?

Until next time.....enjoy yourselves!  And remember, be kind to each other please:)

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