Saturday, May 14, 2011

This and That

Hafa Adai,

Sorry I haven't posted lately but have been under the weather with a cold which started Wednesday night.  Started as a head cold and then moved down to the chest and coughing.  I think it's getting better though.

I went snorkeling on Wednesday at my favorite beach, Wing Beach.  It was so fantastic to be back in the ocean swimming around with my fish friends.  I saw a fish I had never seen before too.  It was white with blue swirls all over it kind of like an angel fish.  I also saw a needle nose fish.  They are about a foot long and have a really long nose.  They are hard to see
because they float near the
surface of the water.  He followed me around for a while then went on his way.  I saw a big fish and tried to follow it but it was too fast for me.  Hope it wasn't a shark:)  Once I had my fill of snorkeling I sat in the water on the shoreline just taking in the scenery.  This is truly paradise for me!  As usual there was nobody on the white sand beach and a couple were in the water snorkeling so I pretty much had the whole place to myself!  Audra's freinds keep telling me I shouldn't go by myself but there is nobody else to go with.  I check out the area before getting out of the car to make sure it looks safe and don't take my purse with me or leave anything in the car or on the beach of any value.  I also keep checking the shore while I'm snorkeling too just to keep a watch on everything. 

I went to pick up Audra from school the other day and was waiting for her in the office.  A little first grade girl was sitting on the couch and starting talking to me asking me who I was.  I told her I was Audra's mom and there to pick her up.  She said "you look more like her grandma than her mom" to which I replied I very well could be.  She also said we sound alike (go many times have we heard that).  Audra said the kids speak their mind here and haven't learned the art of being tactful.  I just had to laugh.  When Audra came and we left the office she ran outside and yelled "it was nice to meet you"......what a little sweetie.

One of Audra's teacher friends house got broken into the other night and her jewelry was stolen including her wedding ring.  She lives here and her husband works in the Philippines.  She was having dinner with us when it happened.  She is paranoid now like we are about going out and about.  They broke the lock on the back door of her house.  We were comparing our police report cards the next night over dinner.  They took me to a great Thai restaurant that was just a little hole in the wall place but the food was divine.  It was pretty cheap too, $7.95 for dinner.   

My cards arrived last Thursday so now I have access to my funds again....woo hoo! The last of my boxes of craft stuff arrived safely as well.  I have my own little craft section set up in my room already.

We went grocery shopping today and loaded up on food.  Audra likes to go out to eat every night but I told her I can't afford to do that so will be eating at home.  If she wants to join me she can or she can go out with her buds.  The food costs about double what it does back home.  They have basically the same brands and also lots of Asian stuff to choose from.  I love hitting the veggie stands that are all over the place and getting new stuff to try.  Most of it is really yummy!

But, tonight we're going to The Taste of the Mariannas which is a big food event every Saturday of the month of May for dinner.  They also have music and native dancers.  I'll post pics from it on my next blog post.

We went to see the movie The Priest today and it was great....of course it's about those pesky can't even escape them over here in paradise.  It has sequel written all over it:)

One more story......yesterday I put on Joseph Fire Crow on my IPOD which is a native American flute album and Audra's cats went crazy.  They absolutely HATE the flute and take off to hide.  I torment them daily now with the music.  One of her cats hides inside the cabinet above the fridge, the little guy hides underneath the couch and the other one is now getting used to it and doesn't seem affected by it any more.  He just hangs out on the back of the couch looking disgusted.  What can I say except CATS!!!!
Hope the hot weather hasn't hit in Arizona yet.......still 87/78 here with at least one quick rain storm a day.  

Remember, paradise is a state of mind!

1 comment:

  1. I've never lived in the "state of mind", but have lived and been many places. I learned about island life on Maui and loved it, but it did scare me a bit if something medical went wrong. That's a bummer about having to watch for things disappearing and worrying about other people, but then don't we do the same thing here in the "Big City"? They seemingly are all carrying guns these days too. Anyway, great blog, glad you are enjoying it "grandma [Sic]"
